<h2>Otovent | For Glue Ear</h2>
<p><img loading=”lazy” src=”×276.jpg” width=”292″ height=”269″ /></p>
<p><em>Otovent costs <strong>below </strong>RM150 and is the only clinically proven, non-surgical and drug free treatment for glue ear.</em></p>
<h3>What is glue ear or Otitis media ?</h3>
<p>The ear is divided into three parts, the outer ear canal, the middle ear space (where the infections occur) and the inner ear where the nerves and balance center are located. A thin eardrum (the tympanic membrane) divides the outer ear from the middle ear. The middle ear is also connected to the back of the nose via the Eustachian tube.</p>
<p>If the Eustachian tube becomes blocked- usually due to a common cold-the middle ear will be fill with fluid rather than air. After a while this fluid can become thick and glue like. With glue ear your child will not be able to hear properly. Glue ear is very common, as many as 8 out of 10 children will experience it at least once before they are 10 years old.</p>
<h3>Otitis media with effusion (OME)</h3>
<p>OME or Glue ear is a very common condition that affects 80 percent of children at some point during their childhood. Also known as secretory otitis media, otitis media with effusion or serous otitis media, more than 7 in 10 children have at least one episode of glue ear before they are 4 years old, and boys are more commonly affected than girls.1</p>
<h3>Otovent<sup>®</sup> both regulates and prevents</h3>
<p>Otovent<sup>®</sup> is the only clinically effective, non surgical for glue ear. Regulation of the pressure in the middle ear is a known and important mechanism in the treatment of disorders in the middle ear in children. Normally, the pressure in the middle ear is equalized by swallowing or yawning. If the mechanisms for regulating negative pressure are not fully effective, after a few weeks gluey secretions develops, leading to hearing impairment.</p>
<p>Otovent<sup>®</sup> is a proven first-line treatment option in which up to 50 percent of patients can avoid the insertion of tympanoplasty tubes.</p>
<h3>Otovent<sup>®</sup> Method</h3>
<p>The Otovent<sup>®</sup> method is a clinically proven first-line treatment option to help avoid the surgical insertion of tube into the eardrum. It is a non surgical, drug free treatment for glue ear, and has been recommended by ENT specialists for the last 20 years.</p>
<p>The child inflates a small balloon using their nose, and at the same time equalizes the pressure and relieves the symptoms in the middle ear. Blowing up the balloon helps to open up the Eustachian tube, making it easier for fluid to drain from the middle ear.</p>
<p>Children can use Otovent<sup>®</sup> at home under parental supervision. It is painless, harmless and takes only a matter of seconds to perform. Otovent<sup>®</sup>should be used 2-3 times daily until all the fluid has been drained away.</p>
<h3>A two-phase method</h3>
<p>Using a nose piece and balloon, a positive pressure
is generated in the nasopharynx to equalize the negative pressure in the middle ear via the Eustachian tube. Children view blowing up the balloon as a game, improving compliance and ease of treatment. No negative effects have been reported or demonstrated in clinical trials.</p>
<p>The Otovent<sup>®</sup> method can be divided into two phases; inflation phase and deflation phase.</p>
<li><strong>Inflation phase</strong>: induction of the Valsalva manoeuvre (forced expiration against a closed airway) increases the pressure within the nasopharynx. Equalization of the middle ear may occur at this stage.</li>
<li><strong>Deflation phase</strong> : induction of the Politzer manoeuvre (inflating the middle ear while swallowing) inward moving air flows into the middle ear (Eustachian tube opened while swallowing) to equalize the middle ear pressure.</li>
<p><img loading=”lazy” src=”×168.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” srcset=”×168.jpg 300w,×430.jpg 768w,×392.jpg 700w, 800w” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”168″ /></p>
<p><em>The Otovent<sup>®</sup> method induces auto inflation of the middle ear by combining two clinically proven treatment techniques (Valsalva and Politzer).</em></p>
<h2>Otovent | For Air Travelers</h2>
<p><strong>Barotitis</strong> is an acute inflammation, which occurs due to that a negative pressure builds up in the middle ear. This occurs when there is a change in surrounding atmospheric pressure, e.g. in the cabin of an aircraft, particularly when descending. The characteristics of <strong>Barotitis</strong> are pain and temporary hearing impairment in the affected ear. Occasionally there may be vertigo and a hearing impairment of a more permanent nature. With <strong>OTOVENT®</strong> , equalizing the pressure is easy.</p>
<p>The incidence of developing <strong>Barotitis</strong> is approximately 10% amongst adults and 20% in children. In a study published in 2004 it was established that 14% of 188 passengers experienced symptoms of <strong>Barotitis</strong> . This was reduced to 6% following inflation with <strong>OTOVENT®</strong>. It’s advised that parents supervise treatment for kids to avoid all unnecessary outcomes.</p>
<p><strong>PRE-START</strong> : Normal pressure in the middle ear. <img loading=”lazy” src=”×109.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” srcset=”×109.jpg 300w,×278.jpg 768w,×253.jpg 700w, 840w” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”109″ /><br />
<strong>DURING ASCENT: </strong> Increased pressure in the middle ear<strong>.</strong><br />
<img loading=”lazy” src=”×105.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” srcset=”×105.jpg 300w,×268.jpg 768w,×245.jpg 700w, 841w” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”105″ /> <strong>On landing:</strong><br />
Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube with negative pressure in the middle ear. The eardrum bulges inwards and hearing is<br />
almost normal. <img loading=”lazy” src=”×109.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” srcset=”×109.jpg 300w,×278.jpg 768w,×254.jpg 700w, 842w” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”109″ /> <strong>Following landing:</strong><br />
Negative pressure in the middle ear. The eardrum bulges in and hearing is impaired. <img loading=”lazy” src=”×109.jpg” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” srcset=”×109.jpg 300w,×278.jpg 768w,×253.jpg 700w, 840w” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”109″ /><br />
<img loading=”lazy” width=”2560″ height=”1709″ src=”” title=”INSIDE PLANE” alt=”Otovent, for ear travellers” srcset=” 2560w,×400.jpg 600w,×200.jpg 300w,×513.jpg 768w,×467.jpg 700w,×467-449×300.jpg 449w” sizes=”(max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px” /><br />
During air travel a negative pressure may develop in the middle ear. The problem arises in connection with descent when the atmospheric pressure in the cabin increases, whereby a negative pressure behind the eardrum occurs, drawing it inwards. If the negative pressure cannot be normalized this leads to an extremely painful condition, called <strong>Barotitis</strong>, which may cause vertigo (normally transient) and impaired hearing. It has been shown that children under 8 years old develop varying degrees of <strong>Barotitis</strong> during air travel. Adults are normally able to normalize the negative pressure by squeezing the nostrils together and forcing air into the ear (this method is called the <strong>Valsalva</strong> manouevre). However children, and a proportion of adults, have difficulty performing this. The majority of individuals suffering pain from negative pressure in the middle ear can simply use the <strong>OTOVENT<sup>®</sup></strong> balloon in order to equalize the negative pressure. The method is simple to perform and is also suitable for children from the age of 3 years. The <strong>OTOVENT<sup>®</sup></strong> method can easily be treated as a game. Practise by blowing up the balloon a couple of times via each nostril using the nose adaptor before flying (see below). It is advisable to begin equalizing the pressure when descending is announced. Best results are achieved where equalization is commenced before the negative pressure in the ear is experienced.</p>
<h3>How to use Otovent?</h3>
<p><img src=”×200.png” height=”200″ title=”how to use otovent (step 1)” alt=”how to use otovent (step 1)” srcset=”×200.png 275w,×218.png 300w, 330w” sizes=”(max-width: 275px) 100vw, 275px” /><br />
<img src=”×200.png” height=”200″ title=”how to use otovent (step 2)” alt=”how to use otovent (step 2)” srcset=”×200.png 275w,×218.png 300w, 330w” sizes=”(max-width: 275px) 100vw, 275px” /><br />
<img src=”×200.png” height=”200″ title=”how to use otovent (step 3)” alt=”how to use otovent (step 3)” srcset=”×200.png 270w,×222.png 300w, 325w” sizes=”(max-width: 270px) 100vw, 270px” /><!–/themify_builder_static–>
Otovent | For Glue Ear
Otovent costs below RM150 and is the only clinically proven, non-surgical and drug free treatment for glue ear.
What is glue ear or Otitis media ?
The ear is divided into three parts, the outer ear canal, the middle ear space (where the infections occur) and the inner ear where the nerves and balance center are located. A thin eardrum (the tympanic membrane) divides the outer ear from the middle ear. The middle ear is also connected to the back of the nose via the Eustachian tube.
If the Eustachian tube becomes blocked- usually due to a common cold-the middle ear will be fill with fluid rather than air. After a while this fluid can become thick and glue like. With glue ear your child will not be able to hear properly. Glue ear is very common, as many as 8 out of 10 children will experience it at least once before they are 10 years old.
Otitis media with effusion (OME)
OME or Glue ear is a very common condition that affects 80 percent of children at some point during their childhood. Also known as secretory otitis media, otitis media with effusion or serous otitis media, more than 7 in 10 children have at least one episode of glue ear before they are 4 years old, and boys are more commonly affected than girls.1
Otovent® both regulates and prevents
Otovent® is the only clinically effective, non surgical for glue ear. Regulation of the pressure in the middle ear is a known and important mechanism in the treatment of disorders in the middle ear in children. Normally, the pressure in the middle ear is equalized by swallowing or yawning. If the mechanisms for regulating negative pressure are not fully effective, after a few weeks gluey secretions develops, leading to hearing impairment.
Otovent® is a proven first-line treatment option in which up to 50 percent of patients can avoid the insertion of tympanoplasty tubes.
Otovent® Method
The Otovent® method is a clinically proven first-line treatment option to help avoid the surgical insertion of tube into the eardrum. It is a non surgical, drug free treatment for glue ear, and has been recommended by ENT specialists for the last 20 years.
The child inflates a small balloon using their nose, and at the same time equalizes the pressure and relieves the symptoms in the middle ear. Blowing up the balloon helps to open up the Eustachian tube, making it easier for fluid to drain from the middle ear.
Children can use Otovent® at home under parental supervision. It is painless, harmless and takes only a matter of seconds to perform. Otovent®should be used 2-3 times daily until all the fluid has been drained away.
A two-phase method
Using a nose piece and balloon, a positive pressure is generated in the nasopharynx to equalize the negative pressure in the middle ear via the Eustachian tube. Children view blowing up the balloon as a game, improving compliance and ease of treatment. No negative effects have been reported or demonstrated in clinical trials.
The Otovent® method can be divided into two phases; inflation phase and deflation phase.
- Inflation phase: induction of the Valsalva manoeuvre (forced expiration against a closed airway) increases the pressure within the nasopharynx. Equalization of the middle ear may occur at this stage.
- Deflation phase : induction of the Politzer manoeuvre (inflating the middle ear while swallowing) inward moving air flows into the middle ear (Eustachian tube opened while swallowing) to equalize the middle ear pressure.
The Otovent® method induces auto inflation of the middle ear by combining two clinically proven treatment techniques (Valsalva and Politzer).
Otovent | For Air Travelers
Barotitis is an acute inflammation, which occurs due to that a negative pressure builds up in the middle ear. This occurs when there is a change in surrounding atmospheric pressure, e.g. in the cabin of an aircraft, particularly when descending. The characteristics of Barotitis are pain and temporary hearing impairment in the affected ear. Occasionally there may be vertigo and a hearing impairment of a more permanent nature. With OTOVENT® , equalizing the pressure is easy.

Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube with negative pressure in the middle ear. The eardrum bulges inwards and hearing is
almost normal.

Negative pressure in the middle ear. The eardrum bulges in and hearing is impaired.

How to use Otovent?

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